Save the galgos
31,719 signatures
We need 18,281 more to reach 50,000

Save the galgos

We demand equal protection for all animals, because none should ever be considered a just a work tool.

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The Spanish greyhound is a breed used both for hunting and for racing in different regions of Spain, especially in Andalusia, Castilla La Mancha and Castilla y León.

Only in Seville, it is estimated that 5,000 abandonments occur annually, and some estimates estimate that in Spain about 50,000 greyhounds and other hunting dogs are abandoned.

The need to nip the problem at its roots is imperative, changing the laws that (un) protect greyhounds and dogs used for hunting in general.

We are working to achieve a state animal welfare framework law that ensures maximum protection for these animals and the modification of the animal protection laws of each Autonomous Community, as well as toughen penalties for neglect and abuse.

We are working so that the "rehalas" (groups of between 16 to 40 hunting dogs) are no longer considered objects of "cultural interest", eliminating all public subsidies intended to promote this practice.

We work to prosecute the mistreatment and abandonment of these animals so that no case goes unpunished before the law.

We are working to ban the training of greyhounds tied to motor vehicles.

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